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《Pokemon GO》更新釋出,「評價系統」由領隊評價寶可夢

《Pokemon GO》終於在今(23)日釋出更新,加入了精靈寶可夢(舊譯:神奇寶貝)評價系統,以幫助訓練師們在戰鬥上能更加得心應手。


IV 100% :

Wooa - I have never seen soo much potential in this type of pokemon


IV 80%:

Great pokemon (你的角色名稱) - That Pokemon has so much potential


IV 60%:

Decent pokemon (你的角色名稱) - This one is nothing special but it can still be an ok pokemon


IV 40%以下:

- Not very impressive - This Pokemon is not powerful enough to become one of the best of its kind







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